Alternative Dispute Resolution

— What is Alternative Dispute Resolution? (ADR) —

Alternative Dispute Resolution is also known as ADR. It may be one of a number of different tools used by parties to help them settle their disputes without having to go to court. Mediation is one of the more widely known forms of ADR. Other alternative dispute resolution methods include negotiations, settlement conferences, and arbitration. Our attorneys have participated in continuing legal education programs to hone their mediation techniques and their negotiation skills. Forrest Goodrum has completed basic and advanced arbitration courses offered by the American Arbitration Association. In addition to acting as an advocate, he also serves as an arbitrator.

Will my case have to be tried before a judge to be resolved?

No. Over 90% of all cases settle before trial. In most situations, the parties will be more satisfied if a mutually agreeable settlement can be reached as opposed to receiving a decision from an independent third party (the judge, jury or a referee/hearing officer for an administrative agency), who does not know either party and has no interest in their financial affairs.

ADR Methods

What methods are available to settle my case?

The most common methods are settlement negotiations with the adverse party or their insurance company or through negotiations between the lawyers for the parties, and mediation. The Court/Administrative Agency will encourage you to use your best effort at settling your case. There may be an opportunity for a settlement conference with a trial judge or a private mediator in advance of the trial/hearing date in order to help the settlement process along.

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution

What are the benefits of ADR?

ADR may save time and money. ADR also relieves court congestion and increases compliance with decisions rendered. ADR gives parties more flexibility and allows parties to avoid uncertainty of litigation. ADR helps preserve relationships, allows venting of feelings and opinions and helps people realistically assess their case.

Mediation »
